Time to take confident baby

 1. Focus on what you can control so your self-talks , your words :how you talk about yourself and how you talk about other people your attitude towards life i don't see problem i see solution 

2. Don't focus on things you can't control :your past ,your past doesn't exist 

3. You are the main character of your life so start acting like it ,

4.  confidence is about knowing who you are.  if you don't know who you are or how to define yourself focus on who you are

5. In order to make your life more structured , you.   need to create new routines for for yourself i like to go yoga, meditation, walk-around , i like to do gratitude meditation i like to shower myself. so i have routines

6. Listen if you are out of job right now ,just go find a job anywhere . anything literally . The 1 thing i have always done in my life i have worked because i wanted money  ,I don't feel confident in myself if i don't have money because i can't even go out with my friends i am not kind of person i will allow my friends just to pay for me No, I will stay home literally if i have no money because i don't want to go out and then constantly paying for me so I see confidence in my successes see confidence in the fact that i have job .  I have money , It doesn't matter what kind of job you have okay ,i always focus on myself trying to create money for myself

7. Learn the art of communication , communication is one of the biggest reason people can confident , people can be successful, the way you talk to people is very important because you can leave imprint on them 

8. How can you. learn to communicate better?? Go out and socialize with people surround yourself with different type of people

9. Start wearing sunglasses and look people in the eyes and this is a practice why , i would start looking people in the eyes when they are walking by. obviously they can't see that i'm looking at them so i felt more confident and comfortable ......etc

10. What you believe about yourself will be your reality , literally the way you think about yourself affects other people reality as will as 

11. The brain is wired to believe negativity over positivity , to refresh your brain listen to something that will actually lift you up another thing is when you are walking around put on some music that makes you feel confident or even you wakeup in the morning put on some music that makes you feel confident and stands front of mirror and start da....ing 

12. Start making decision that are best for you A confident person does what is best for them people even like to call them selfish , no they are not selfish no they always know that their needs has to be put farward first . because they know they are the most imp person for their life that's why 


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